Monday 26 April 2010

With a little help from my friends...

A few weeks ago I was invited to Huggies HQ for a brainstorming session with Kelly and Piran from A place of my own, and Vic and Mr A from Glowstars. It was the first blogging event I've been invited to and attended and it cheered me up no end to be out taking part in the grown-up world again. I took Miss E and Mr A along with me, and we all enjoyed doing something different and meeting new people. The brainstorming was fun, everyone made a great fuss of the babies and I came away with a smile on my face.

Now, there's rather a stir in the parenting blog community at the moment about the first mummy bloggers conference in July, called Cybermummy. I desperately wanted to go, but the tickets aren't cheap and as you might know, money's pretty tight round here right now. Young Daddy and I agreed that if I could make enough money selling some of our unwanted stuff on ebay, then I could use that money to fund my ticket.

So you can imagine my absolute delight when Huggies offered to sponsor me to go to Cybermummy! I can't wait to meet the people behind all the wonderful blogs I've been reading, and to get some invaluable tips and advice on blogging. I'm pretty new to all of this, and the learning curve is steep so I need all the help I can get. I have to admit, now the reality of going is sinking in, I am feeling more than a little nervous. It's going to be like the first day of school - what if no-one talks to me or wants sits next to me? It'll be nerve-racking walking through the door in the morning, but I'm hoping to try to meet up with someone enroute so I don't have to face the fear alone.

And anyway, a little bit of fear is a good thing because it will make me feel on top of the world when I conquer it...

Thank you Huggies. x

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