Thursday 22 April 2010

Your very own personal baby shopper

There's a new blog on the block. 'Oh not another one!' I hear you cry, but this one is different, believe me...

babystylefile is the brainchild of an uber-stylist-turned-new-mum Poppy Norton, who's on a mission to make hours trawling the internet for style-savvy products for babies and kids a distant memory. If you're sick of all the same-old same-old twee products out there, babystylefile is a must for you. Offering a great round-up of products ranging from dolls houses to change mats to laundry bins, this blog does all the hard work searching for well-designed products, so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the fab things that are out there if you know where to look. And if you manage to be on the hunt for a product that babystylefile hasn't covered (unlikely, but possible) just ping Poppy an email and she'll seek it out for you. Perfick.

What you waiting for? Go follow!

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