Monday 29 March 2010

A tale of two teeth

I can't believe I haven't got round to blogging about this yet (bad mummy), but Miss E got two teeth a couple of weeks ago! Both babies have been drooling for England for months and have red, rosy cheeks a clown would be proud of. Then one morning Miss E was on the change mat and I noticed something on her bottom gum. I had a feel and lo and behold it was a tooth. She had made absolutely no fuss whatsoever, unbelievable when you consider what a little drama-queen-in-the-making she is, and so the tooth's appearance was highly unexpected. In hindsight, it was probably the reason she's been sucking her gums like a toothless old man for a week, but I didn't think anything of it at the time. By lunchtime that same day she had cut the second bottom tooth, and now we're enjoying the cutest toothy grins. I've tried to capture it on film, but it's proving tougher than I thought. Here's a little video I made yesterday - you can just about catch a glimpse of those two little toothy pegs right at the end...

This post has been retrospectively added to It's A Mummy's Life's new Little Film Club, which launched this week. Head over to her blog on Monday for next week's prompts. I think this one fits into this week's prompt, 'Excitement'.
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