Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Dear So and So... that's you Mr Gas Man!

Dear Gas Man #1

Having got our act together to get all four Young family members up, fed, dressed and in a relatively happy mood by 9am on Sunday morning it would have been nice if you'd been bothered to turn up. Or call.

Disappointed of SE London, Young Mummy


Dear Gas Man #2

Texting at 2pm to say you'll be with us within an hour, and then rocking up to my front door 3.5 hours later, and half an hour before bathtime is not cool. Neither is fiddling about for 90 minutes before turning off our gas for the night and going off to enjoy a hot bath at your own,cosy, warm home.

I Can't Feel My Fingers, Young Mummy


Dear Gas Man #1

I hold you entirely responsible for our cold and miserable night. Had you turned up as promised on Sunday morning we would not have spent the whole day yesterday waiting for Gas Man #2, only for him to arrive too late to fix the problem.

Frostbitten and Fed Up, Young Mummy


Dear Gas Man #2

Going AWOL once again is testing my patience. You don't call, you don't write. What's a girl supposed to do? Your 'one quick job' this morning has now taken you four hours and you are still nowhere to be seen. And I am seriously cold now. Like freeeeeezing.

Dreaming of Hot Radiators, Young Mummy


With thanks to Kat at 3 Bedroom Bungalow for a medium to help me let off steam (not that there's anything steamy about my house at the moment. Love her Dear So and So letter!


  1. Oh poor you. I know what it feels like. We lived without oil until the middle of December and the house was bloody cold. We ran out of oil then last week for a couple of days (by the time we realized that we had) and we had the baby going to bed with mittens on!

  2. Grr (or Brr) to the Gasmen! Hope you're sorted and toasty now. xx

  3. So Flanders and Swann got it right after all then?

    Hope the gas man cometh soon!

  4. You poor thing. I've had my own boiler related nightmares recently but at least hubs and I had our heating... we were just without hot water and that was bad enough. Boo to Gas men numbers 1 and 2 - Naughty!

  5. oh no! what a nightmare! i hope you get it fixed soon!

  6. Oh Crappo! Not good having no radiators with the babies.
    The heating went when Oli was only a few weeks old and it was freezing - I've never screamed at someone so loudly to get something sorted before!
    I hope you have some warmth soon! xx

  7. Go stamp your feet some more and holler at the gasman- it may help you keep warm! I had this last Feb when there was 2 foot of snow outside so you have all my sympathy

  8. Damn those gas men!They simply don't understand the meaning of a quickie...we just want to them to come, do their stuff and not leave before we're fully satisfied!

  9. FM - aawwww. Cute image of baby in bed with mittens. Cute (though also cold)! x

    Very Bored - we are now too warm if anything! Need to turn the thermostat down now I've defrosted...

    Dotterel - gas man hath cometh and fixedeth!

    PMB - being without hot water is almost worse than being without heat I reckon. At least you can warm yourself with electric heaters etc, but no showers/baths etc are a nightmare.

    Heather - it's been a bad week all in all. But 'things can only get better' as the song goes...

    Emma and teawithonesugarplease - I did consider loading the babies into the monster truck (double buggy) and taking them up to the gas man's office and crying!

    Mummmmeeeeeee *snigger*


Thanks a lot, I love getting your comments!


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