Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Who am I?

I'm having an identity crisis. There have been some fantastically honest and thought-provoking posts over the last week on the mummy blogosphere (see this one from Mummy Bear at She was not at all domestic, this from Crystal Jigsaw and here from In Monkey's Shadow) and suddenly, by the cold light of day, my blog seems shallow, frivolous and probably quite dull to anyone that doesn't know me and the babies personally.

I'd love to be more honest, more controversial, but I'm confused. Who is my reader and who am I writing for? For someone who works in magazine-land this sort of question should be like my bread-and-butter, but for some reason I'm struggling to come up with a definitive answer. Family read the blog (especially my in-laws, who live miles away and we don't see as much as we would like), colleagues follow me, and I have friends with and without babies who enjoy a good read. Then there are the people who don't know me personally who still follow - something I'm amazed by every time I see the total number of followers edge up a little higher. So who should I try to please? If I try to satisfy everyone, the blog is destined to deliver to noone.

It's the usual story - I'm far too fickle and flitter from one thing to another. I'm the same with fashion - always wanting to find a 'signature style' but forever on the fence about what that style should be. And now I've discovered it's the same with writing. There's always someone out there who's wittier, more candid, more eloquent.

But I'm enjoying writing this blog. So it's a bit of a pick 'n' mix. So what? I write what takes my fancy, when it takes my fancy and get a kick out of the fact that people seem to enjoy reading it. I'm going to forget about stats and readers and just keep doing what I'm doing, though I will try (where possible) to be a bit braver and a bit more honest. Hopefully.


  1. Well, I've only just started reading your blog & think you're doing a great job - i love reading what you write!
    Just enjoy it, which i hope you already are, x

  2. I love your blog - it is truly one of my favourites and I look forward to reading your posts!

  3. I like reading your blog very much. The joy of blogging is that it is your blog, you can blog about whatever you like. So keep on enjoying it, and we, your readers, will keep on enjoying it too. x

    PS - an award for you at mine, the cake one not the sunshine one as you gave that to me!

  4. Well I love reading your blog and it is one of my favourites.

    I can relate you what you are saying though as I feel the same about my blog - but as I know my in-laws read it I try to avoid anything too emotional or personal because I think I'd feel a bit embarrassed when I next saw them. It's not that I avoid writing anything about how I feel but there are definitely subjects I would write about if family didn't read my blog! For example I'm desperate to write about what I'm going through with deciding whether or not to have a third child, but I really don't want this to be something my in-laws start discussing with me next time they visit!!

    I think a blog can still be interesting and thought provoking without being controversial or embarrassing family members.

    S x

  5. I love reading your blog. It is honest and I think there is stuff there to please everyone. At the end of the day, you write for yourself, if people read it great, if they don't it's their loss! X

  6. I think with a blog the inmportant thing is to enjoy what you are writing and dont try to please everyone. If it becomes too much about pleasing other and not enough about yourself then you'll soon get bored and start to see it as a chore rather than as fun.

  7. Its a lovely blog to read and I think just writing what you want is the best option...its certainly what I do!

  8. I love reading your blog and have been having a similar crises of writing faith lately. Especially when it comes to topics that interest me so much and that I have such strong feelings on but that I know would hurt people I care about, even if that isn't my intention. Sometimes I wish my family and friends didn't know about my blog so that I could be a little bit freer in what I write.

  9. Just write to please yourself. It's that simple :)

  10. As Geriatric Mummy said... :)

    (I like your blog btw)

  11. I didn't mean to be fishing for compliments but it's been lovely receiving them so big thanks.

    Lovely to hear from some of you for the first time.

    You'll all be glad to hear my little attack of self-doubt has now passed and I'll go back to posting whatever the heck I like! Everyone in mummy blogging land seemed to have an opinion about what makes a good/bad post yesterday - there must have been something in the water. ;)

  12. I really enjoy your blog. This is the first time I've commented, but thought I'd just say that I like the 'pick 'n' mix' aspect that you mention, plus your real voice. I also love your 'Library' header; it's my dream to have a library to call my own!

  13. Thanks for the dropping by angelsandurchins! I'd love a library too, a proper one with wheelie ladders...

  14. I don't have any babies but I still enjoy reading about yours - they're too cute for words. xx

  15. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I think it comes down to the old adage 'You can't please all of the people all of the time' eh. You can please yourself though, and this is your space to do just that. x


Thanks a lot, I love getting your comments!


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